Principles and Strategy

RYBA's Corporate Mission Statement, consisting of the Management Principles and Activity Guidelines, is the fundamental and ultimate value standard of the Company.
RYBA's Management Principles are based on RYBA's Business Philosophy, written in a global context. The Activity Guidelines provide guidance on how each company as well as their executives and employees should behave as they conduct their business activities to realize the Management Principles and drive corporate growth.
As declared in the Management Principles, our corporate mission is to support our shareholders, clients, local communities, employees, and everyone else around the world in their endeavours to achieve economic and spiritual prosperity and realize their dreams through our sound business activities.
We also maintain—throughout our business practices—a unique management style that respects the personality of each individual and places prime importance on integrity and sound management, which represent the essence of RYBA's Business Philosophy, while cherishing a corporate culture that allows each employee to take the initiative and demonstrate creativity that is conductive to continuous reform and innovation.
By sharing the values presented in the Management Principles and the Activity Guidelines across the Group to materialize them in specific business activities, we aim to be a global organization that constantly stays a step ahead in dealing with change, creates new value, and contributes broadly to society.

Business Unit Overview

At the RYBA, the two business units and regional organizations locally and abroad work closely together and leverage the Integrated Corporate Strength of the Company in a wide range of businesses performed globally.
general trading

General Trading

Our extensive network of experienced traders with comprehensive market knowledge spans accross all continents and over 25 cities worldwide. Our specialization lies in trading basic foodstuffs and comodities. Learn more...

general services

General Services

Our cooperative partners provide cutting-edge services through our global service centers situated in over 25 cities across all continents. Our services are offered through three divisions: procurement and sourcing, agency, and advisory. Learn more...

corporate governance

RYBA established the "RYBA Corporate Governance Principles" while keeping in mind that our backbone of corporate ethics is in the "RYBA's Business Philosophy" and the "Management Principles." "The RYBA Corporate Governance Principles" was established based on our view that the essence of corporate governance is improving management efficiency and maintaining sound management as well as ensuring transparency across the business.

Corporate Governance Principles

Following the "RYBA Corporate Governance Principles",

" We are always seeking to establish the most appropriate managerial system for the Company and are continuously strengthening our corporate governance to realize management that serves the interests of shareholders and all other stakeholders. "